Making Hard Choices and Staying True to Our Mission

Navigating Customer
Experience Challenges:

Proactive strategies for CX leaders

How do your customers feel about the quality of your customer experience (CX)?

In a landscape where only 4% (1) of US residents feel consumer experiences have improved over the past year, businesses are facing a stark reality. The quality of customer experience (CX) is more critical than ever, with a significant 57% (2)  of consumers feeling experiences have worsened, particularly noting frustrations like extended wait times. Long wait times and inconsistent experiences across touchpoints continue to frustrate consumers. Amidst these challenges, CX leaders are searching for effective strategies to not only meet but exceed evolving customer expectations. In this blog we will navigate the CX challenges and offer some proactive strategies for CX leaders to implement. But first, let’s look at the importance of CX to consumers.

The growing importance of CX: 

Studies underscore the urgency of refining CX – with one revealing that 49% (3) of consumers prioritize CX over price and discounts. Furthermore, a Gartner survey highlights an evolving competitive battleground, with two-thirds (4) of brands increasingly recognizing the value of CX differentiation.

Addressing CX pain points: 

CX leaders confront various obstacles, from ensuring consistent, personalized experiences across all touchpoints to effectively leveraging customer feedback for continuous improvement. The struggle to stay abreast of customer expectations is ever-present, necessitating a robust approach to enhancing CX. Particularly considering a PwC survey found that 30% (5) of customers would abandon a brand after just one poor experience, regardless of their previous loyalty. Additionally, 73% (6) of respondents highlight the significance of customer experience in their purchasing decisions.

Strategies for CX leaders:

To tackle these challenges, leaders can adopt several strategies. First, emphasizing personalized and consistent experiences across channels is paramount. Utilizing advanced analytics can help understand customer behaviors and preferences, enabling tailored interactions. Secondly, integrating and acting on customer feedback is crucial for driving iterative improvements. Lastly, staying agile and informed about evolving expectations can help organizations remain competitive and responsive. Lastly, ensuring that support teams are well-equipped are critical for enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Arise’s Role in Elevating CX with Digital Companion: 

Arise steps in with cutting-edge solutions that address these core pain points. The Arise Digital Companion, for example, leverages Generative AI to offer real-time, in-conversation guidance to agents, enhancing customer interactions significantly. By automating note-taking and capturing interaction nuances, agents are empowered to focus more on customer engagement, enriching the quality of CX.

Further, the Arise Digital Auditor revolutionizes quality management, offering continuous, automated agent evaluation. This ensures consistent and high-caliber customer interactions, a key to maintaining and elevating service standards.

With Arise Digital Insights, businesses gain access to predictive and prescriptive analytics, offering a granular understanding of customer motivations and preferences. This insight is instrumental in refining CX strategies and ensuring they resonate with target audiences.

From state-of-the-art technology stack and an industry leading learning and development programs, our CX solutions can spark meaningful outcomes across regions and industries.

While our As-a-Service offerings provide a comprehensive suite of solutions for enhancing your customer experience, we understand that every business faces unique challenges that might require a different approach. This is where our Gig-CX Service Partners come into play, offering an alternative yet equally impactful solution for your CX pain points. Whether you’re facing issues with your service provider’s performance, dealing with unresponsive customer service, or encountering any other obstacle in your cx journey, the Arise® Platform is equipped to assist. Our Gig CX Service Partners represent a distinct avenue, separate from our As-a-Service offerings, designed to address and resolve your specific customer experience challenges, ensuring your business continues to thrive and maintain high customer satisfaction.

Gig CX:

The Arise® Platform connects brands with a network of skilled gig workers, Service Partners, who choose which Brands to work with and excel in delivering exceptional customer service. These Service Partners possess key qualities that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty:

  • Empathy: They relate personally to the customers, often being users of the brands they support, offering genuine understanding and care.
  • Effective Communication: Skilled in active listening, they adapt their communication to effectively address customer needs.
  • Product Knowledge: Our comprehensive virtual education and CX certification courses ensure they have thorough expertise in your products and services.
  • Problem-Solving: They adeptly identify and resolve issues, maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Sales Acumen: With a knack for sales, they enhance revenue while focusing on customer priorities.
  • Technical Proficiency: Comfortable with various technologies, they utilize digital tools effectively in their interactions.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: They appreciate and respect diverse cultural backgrounds, ensuring respectful and effective communication.
  • Continuous Learning: They have access to up-to-date information regarding your products and services and are able to provide current and accurate assistance.

These attributes ensure Service Partners on the Arise® Platform not only meet but exceed customer service expectations.

Enhancing CX with Arise’s advanced tools and metrics: Understanding and improving customer experience is a data-driven endeavor. The Arise® Platform leverages powerful analytics tools like Microsoft PowerBI to track client performance metrics, identify trends, and provide deep insights into agent performance and customer satisfaction. This data-driven approach enables CX leaders to make informed decisions and implement targeted improvements.

Empowering service excellence: The Arise® Platform is dedicated to empowering the Service Partners with advanced tools and resources. These cutting-edge tools are at the Service Partners’ disposal, aiding them in optimizing their output and enhancing the customer experience they provide. These tools serve to support and elevate the Service Partners’ capabilities, ensuring that each customer interaction they facilitate is as effective and positive as possible. Every resource we offer is tailored to boost the Service Provider’s performance in offering exceptional service.

The Arise® Platform has been built with the recognition that, in the world of customer experience, every interaction counts. That’s why the platform is able to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like NPS, which offer a clear measure of customer loyalty and satisfaction, and allows the Service Partners to make informed decisions about a Brand’s needs and expectations. By continuously monitoring and aiming to exceed these benchmarks, the Service Partners in the Arise network deliver the best possible CX.

Aligning with your goals: Arise’s approach is to work in tandem with your objectives. By aligning the platform’s tools, methodologies, and insights with your specific goals, our platform empowers Service Partners to ensure that your customer experience strategy not only meets but exceeds expectations.


Addressing the intricate challenges of CX requires a multifaceted approach, integrating targeted strategies with advanced technological solutions. Arise is pivotal in this regard, offering an advanced platform that empowers Service Partners to significantly enhance CX to Brands. On the other hand, for brands seeking solutions to complement their in-house teams, the sophisticated As-a-Service offering, like Arise Digital Companion, provides tools and services that enables brands to empower their existing teams. For CX leaders looking to transform their customer experience and achieve a better work-life balance for their teams, the distinct offerings of Arise Digital Companion As-a-Service and the Arise® Platform offer reliable and effective pathways to success.

Are you ready to elevate your customer experience and streamline your operations?

Reach out to Arise to discuss how our platform or our as-a-service offering can address your CX challenges and help you achieve operational excellence.